Control Theory used in practice
Physical interpretation of impulse response and its transfer function

I have tried to verify how the function g(t) in the time domain between system inputs and outputs has characteristics depending on the input signal. For this verification, we need an impulse response, so let's start with the main points about an impulse signal. Impulse response is not something we are usually aware of when […]

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Feedback control
Tutorial to Feedback Control [ARM used in Practice]

Table of contents1 Control Theory Used in Practice1.1 Preparation1.2 Analysis1.3 Application1.4 Advanced1.5 Extra edition1.6 Multilateral Interpretation2 Motion Control Applications2.1 Open-Loop PWM Control2.2 Speed Feedback Control2.3 Robust Speed Control2.4 Speed Servo Control2.5 Positioning Servo Control[Acceleration-reference]2.6 Positioning Servo Control[Pulse-reference] Control Theory Used in Practice What comes to mind when you hear the word "Control"? Although the image […]

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IoT of MCU
Ultra-highspeed real-time monitor of WebSocket on Microcontroller [STM32Nucleo]

I managed to send data from a microcontroller (STM32Nucleo) implementing WebSocket to a browser and display it on the monitor, but when I increased the update rate, the system became unstable and would stop or disconnect. At first I thought it was due to browser or WebSocket specifications, but when I found the cause and […]

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IoT of MCU
Bidirectional communication via WebSocket on Microcontroller[STM32Nucleo]

In the previous article "Bidirectional communication via WebSocket on Microcontroller", I explained how to develop IoT for devices more closely by installing a web server in MCU and accessing it from a browser such as a PC or smartphone without using a dedicated application. Browsers usually communicate with devices according to the HTTP protocol, but […]

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