OS used in embedded systems
Queue[Specific usage in FreeRTOS]

Table of contents1 What is a cue?2 Transfer data between tasks using queues What is a cue? Transfer data between tasks using queues  Queue buffer creation:  Execution example of xQueueCreate(): xQueue=xQueueCreate(10,(sizeof(int8_t));  Send to queue:   Receive to queue: 

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OS used in embedded systems
FreeRTOS task management basics [For Learning and Practice]

The basics of task management using FreeRTOS are explained with concrete descriptions in actual programs while explaining the concepts of configuration, so you can immediately apply them to your practical programs. Although it is intended for learning, it is of course usable in practice. Table of contents1 Task priority and frequency of use2 Task switching […]

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OS used in embedded systems
FreeRtos[for STM32 learning]

There are various RTOS for microcontrollers, but this site uses FreeRTOS for learning STM32 microcontrollers. We use the conventional type for learning STM32 microcontrollers, not the latest AMAZON type. Since it is for learning, we think it is better to start with something as simple as possible. Table of contents1 What is FreeRTOS?2 Task management […]

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OS used in embedded systems
Real-time OS [essential for MCU development]

Table of contents1 What is a real-time OS?2 Why Use a Real-Time OS in Embedded Applications? What is a real-time OS? Why Use a Real-Time OS in Embedded Applications?

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